5 Health Risks You May Face If You Sleep Too Little
It’s no secret that sleeping enough hours each night is good for your health, but if you’re getting even five hours of sleep, you may be in trouble down the road. In fact, studies have shown that the risk of dementia increases with every hour of sleep lost, meaning those who get less than five hours per night are at the greatest risk. Read on to learn more about 5 Health Risks You May Face If You Sleep Too Little.
Everyone needs sleep, and as you age, your need for rest increases. Scientists have found that people who get less than 5 hours of sleep per night are more likely to suffer from health problems as they age than those who get enough sleep every night. If you’re one of these people, there are some relatively simple ways to improve your sleep habits so you can start feeling healthier and happier!
1. Shorter than 5 Hours : Accident
When you're tired, your reaction times slow. That could mean a dangerous situation behind the wheel or operating a heavy machine. In fact, people who sleep five hours a night are twice as likely to have an accident than those who sleep seven hours per night. And, drivers who work longer shifts and get only four hours of sleep before their next shift have three times more accidents on their way home from work than well-rested drivers with at least eight hours of sleep before leaving for work in the morning. Fatigue causes 36 percent of all crashes and 71 percent of all drowsy-driving crashes, according to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety research.
2. Shorter than 8 Hours: Allergies, Diabetes and Weight Gain
Sleeping for less than eight hours a night is associated with an increased risk of developing allergies, a new study suggests. Short sleep duration has previously been linked with several adverse health outcomes, including diabetes and obesity. It's also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and some cancers. People who sleep fewer than eight hours per night are more likely to gain weight as they get older.
3. Shorter than 9 Hours: Cancer Risk
When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s harder to fight off infection. Infections can develop into cancerous cells and start growing in your body. Lack of sleep may even increase your risk of colon, prostate and breast cancer. To protect yourself from cancer caused by lack of sleep, aim for 7-8 hours a night every night and make sure you are getting enough quality shut eye so that your immune system is healthy.
4. Shorter than 5 Hours: Heart Disease
Heart disease is one of many conditions linked to lack of sleep. One reason may be that inadequate sleep raises stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, putting added pressure on an already overworked heart muscle. And since heart attacks occur most often during night-time hours.
When you don't get enough sleep, it increases your risk for heart disease and high blood pressure. Getting too little shut-eye has also been linked to thickening of the carotid artery walls, which can lead to heart attacks. Sleep helps regulate your blood pressure, so when you’re not sleeping well, your blood pressure could spike which could lead to heart disease down the road. To avoid these health risks, make sure you get enough quality sleep every night.
5. Shorter than 7 Hours: Immune System
Our immune system is one of our most important defense mechanisms against disease. The lower our body’s immunity becomes, the more susceptible we are to illness and infection. And research shows that getting less than 7 hours of sleep can greatly weaken our immune systems. A compromised immune system not only increases your risk of colds and flu—it also makes it harder to recover from them when they strike.So, if you want your long-term health, rest up!