Health Benefits of Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree (melaleuca) oil have become increasingly popular in recent decades. This essential oil has been used for almost 100 years in Australia but is now available worldwide both as neat oil and as an active component in an array of products. The primary uses of tea tree oil have historically capitalized on the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions of the oil. The volatile essential oil derived mainly from the Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia. Employed largely for its antimicrobial properties. The aboriginal people of Australia used it to clean wounds and treat infections.
Today, tea tree oil is a common ingredient in shampoos and soaps. Its proven antimicrobial properties make it an excellent cleaning agent. Tea tree’s oil also acts as natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory that should be part of everyone’s natural medicine cabinet. Tea tree oil mixed with lavender essential oil is the perfect ingredient in a homemade wound ointment.
Health Benefits of Tea Tree Oil : Tea tree oil has proven very beneficial for the health of your hair and scalp. The skin on your scalp is particularly sensitive, which leaves it vulnerable to skin conditions. Tee tree oil is a great natural remedy for keeping your scalp free of irritation. Just make sure you use high-quality products that contain pure tea tree oil. Tea tree oil can help relieve any type of skin inflammation, including eczema and psoriasis. Mixing it with coconut oil and lavender oil can form a lotion of sorts which can be applied all over the affected area.
Uses of Tea Tree Oil : Like coconut oil for hair, tea tree oil has the ability to soothe dry flaking skin, remove dandruff and even can be used for the treatment of lice. To make homemade tea tree oil shampoo, mix several drops of tea tree essential oil with aloe Vera gel, coconut milk and other essential oils like lavender oil.
Because of its ability to kill parasites and fungal infections, tea tree oil is a great choice to use on toenail fungus, athlete’s foot and ringworm.
Because of tea tree oil’s ability to kill off bad bacteria and at the same time soothe inflamed skin, it’s a perfect ingredient in homemade toothpaste and mouthwash. It’s been shown to reduce the bleeding of gums and tooth decay.
Tea tree oil has powerful antimicrobial properties and can kill off bad bacteria in your home. Simply mix it with water, vinegar and lemon essential oil then use it on your counter tops, kitchen appliances, shower, toilet and sinks.
Side-Effects & Allergies of Tea Tree Oil : Tea tree oil is safe to use for most people. However, the oil itself is toxic and should never be ingested. The oil may cause inflammation and rashes in people using it for the first time. If this happens, stop using the oil immediately and report to a doctor. In people with acne, it can sometimes cause skin dryness, itching, stinging, burning, and redness. Tea tree oil should never be ingested. Taking tree tea essential oil by mouth has caused confusion, inability to walk, unsteadiness, rash, and coma.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be understood as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical practitioner or healthcare professional.